Bill Haenel

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On that subject...

in Gadgets

A couple of years ago we bought three, yes three,... MORE

So I got another invitation a la Power Reviews... MORE

So the Register says that they think Palm might... MORE

So I got this note from Brookstone after buying a... MORE

Well, I did it.Not that it was a great... MORE

(NOTE/UPDATE: I have taken a break from getting... MORE

I confess, I am awaiting the release of Palm's... MORE

in Marketing

This press release and photo were just forwarded... MORE

I recently had the opportunity to review the work... MORE

OK, I admit this post might just be a bit of a... MORE

Through my work with a number of public... MORE

As my second installment of Web Master Tidbits, ... MORE

It seems some other folks (including the New York... MORE

Recently, I've been requested by a prospective... MORE

I had the pleasure of reading the recent blog... MORE

in Internet

Flipboard, Zite, Msgboy, Pulse, Taptu, Poptart,... MORE

So I'm experimenting with a new social media... MORE

UPDATE as of 12PM EST: Facebook has apparently... MORE

I wonder if this means I won't have to help... MORE

I’ve been watching web traffic from my desk here... MORE

Ever wonder what the links under the main Google... MORE

"What if I started a new public media web... MORE

So I noticed that one of the hotter items being... MORE

So I don't have much time to write here, but this... MORE

My good friend John Tynan from KJZZ in Arizona... MORE

Remember Webmonkey? "The Web Developer's... MORE

After reading the Tuesday, March 6th edition of... MORE

Sorry to those of you who did not sign up for... MORE

"Billions of signals rush over the ocean floor... MORE

Still using the hell out of those colons in my... MORE

Someone at the Public Media Conference who made... MORE

I really am a pathetic blogger. Not sure why, but... MORE

I'm going to try something new here at... MORE

I have a CMS called MySiteWorx!, a software that... MORE

Recently I was interviewed by Stephen Feller from... MORE

Everyone knows how much I love public... MORE

I don't write a whole lot of HOWTO stuff on this... MORE

Here's one to watch.  Microsoft Point of... MORE

When will they ever learn? I've been watching... MORE

You heard it here first. Or maybe not. But this... MORE

If you've never tried it, you might want to wait... MORE

Mass Media: An ethical and socially acceptable... MORE

Posted by Bill Haenel on 24-Aug-07

This is my new favorite.

The WashletIt's the Washlet, and it's being promoted quite nicely at TOTO's

No, it's not just the subject material, it's the pitch, the personality, the elegance of the communication about the product. Let's face it, those of us who have had to sell anything ever before know how hard it is to get your language exactly right. this challenge is compounded when you're putting your sales speak in writing. And it's compounded yet again when you're putting it online in a rich media environment.

Okay, I'll be honest. I think the product is really wild. Who knew something like this existed? Well, apparently lots of folks know, but then I don't get out much. I'm sure if I traveled a lot I'd have seen one already.

But It's so well done and so compelling that I simply had to sit through each "person" as they told me about their little bit. I love the smiling mouseovers, the little "dings", and I especially love the big happy feeling I get when I learn about the Washlet.

Have you ever seen a car or a cell phone pitched so slickly as this? I'd like to feel so techie and trendy and cared for about my laptop. If they could sell the Palm Foleo this way, it wouldn't be getting slammed so badly.

Great job, TOTO. You took a tricky product and not only did a great job of presenting it tastefully, but you did a better job of presentation than most folks do with products that are easy to sell.

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