On that subject...
in Internet
The new web - Streaming, Personal, Social Magazines
Flipboard, Zite, Msgboy, Pulse, Taptu, Poptart,... MORE
Bill's Hierarchy of Social Media Content Appeal
So I'm experimenting with a new social media... MORE
"Invalid action type" on Facebook Social Plugins (such as Recommendations)
UPDATE as of 12PM EST: Facebook has apparently... MORE
Zuckerberg says Email isn't cool anymore.
I wonder if this means I won't have to help... MORE
Pardon me while I expound on weekend traffic for Public Media websites
I’ve been watching web traffic from my desk here... MORE
What are those links under the main search result listing in Google?
Ever wonder what the links under the main Google... MORE
Bill's Big Hypothetical Public Media Web Space Question
"What if I started a new public media web... MORE
POV's differ on Google's Oops, "warning visiting this web site may harm your computer!"
So I noticed that one of the hotter items being... MORE
The Haenel Website Doctrine
I recently had the opportunity to review the work... MORE
Using IH2 for ZenCart on a Plesk Server with ImageMagick 6.0.7
So I don't have much time to write here, but this... MORE
Building Successful Open Source Software OR maybe a community?
My good friend John Tynan from KJZZ in Arizona... MORE
Into Amish?
OK, I admit this post might just be a bit of a... MORE
What makes a web property valuable?
Through my work with a number of public... MORE
Webmonkey, I owe you
Remember Webmonkey? "The Web Developer's... MORE
I reviewed a product at Brookstone for 10 bucks
So I got this note from Brookstone after buying a... MORE
The greatest online marketing pitch ever!
This is my new favorite.It's the Washlet, and... MORE
Understanding the Plight of Internet Radio
After reading the Tuesday, March 6th edition of... MORE
Not Again! New Internet Radio Royalties
Sorry to those of you who did not sign up for... MORE
"What hath man wrought? And how will man use his miracles?"
"Billions of signals rush over the ocean floor... MORE
RSS & PBCore: Happily ever after
Still using the hell out of those colons in my... MORE
Public Media 2007: Better Living Through the Use of Colons in Your PowerPoint
Someone at the Public Media Conference who made... MORE
Public Media 2007, Pathetic Blogger
I really am a pathetic blogger. Not sure why, but... MORE
MySpace experiments, and other stuff
I'm going to try something new here at... MORE
Web Master Tidbits: Marketing is Managing and Meeting Client Expectations
As my second installment of Web Master Tidbits, ... MORE
NewsForge reports on PubForge/Public Media Manager
Recently I was interviewed by Stephen Feller from... MORE
Yahoo! News reports NPR is no longer "commercial-free"
Everyone knows how much I love public... MORE
OpenSSL on Windows XP: A Follow-up to Better HOWTOs
I don't write a whole lot of HOWTO stuff on this... MORE
Microsoft Point of Sale
Here's one to watch. Microsoft Point of... MORE
More on razor blades...
It seems some other folks (including the New York... MORE
Paid Content: On giving away razors in order to sell razor blades
When will they ever learn? I've been watching... MORE
Internet Radio In My Car
You heard it here first. Or maybe not. But this... MORE
Flash Splash
Recently, I've been requested by a prospective... MORE
Search Engine Tuning - No B.S.
I had the pleasure of reading the recent blog... MORE
Wireless Networking with Linux
If you've never tried it, you might want to wait... MORE
"There is no spoon..."
Mass Media: An ethical and socially acceptable... MORE
Web Master Tidbits: The web as a timeless medium
I have a CMS called MySiteWorx!, a software that I
install and customize for most of my web site clients. It's great for them to
be able to manage their own site without having to get professional help very
However, there are certainly times when the assistance of a professional is
extremely helpful. With this first piece, I intend to begin publishing a series
of juicy tidbits that might be helpful to my clients and others out there who
fill the shoes of "Web Master", but who might also not feel as though
they are necessarily "Web Professional". I was there once, I know
what it feels like, and I'd love to help.
The timeless web
With that, this first tidbit is about the issue of content timelessness.
As marketers and communications specialists, we become accustomed to the idea
that our material is normally sent out as a physical entity, being delivered
from a specific location, at a specific time, and to a specific audience. Of
course web site content is a bit different, and we can throw at least part of
that idea right out the window.Web site content is delivered from a specific location, but more and more it is delivered through a variety of different viewing devices, and it is certainly not delivered to a specific audience. Sure, you can promote your site and target your marketing approach, but in the end, a web site delivers to the whole planet (at least for now, so long as we can maintain the practice of "network neutrality"). So we can assume that anyone and everyone will view it once the find it.
Most importantly, website content can be viewed at any time, day or night, today or tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc. That is unless we have another giant power outage. So while we may be comfortable with the idea that we know how and when visitors will absorb our message, this is a hopelessly misled feeling of comfort.
Watch those dates!
What does this mean for our approach to content development? It means we avoid
language or material that is chronologically limiting. Que? Let's try an
example. Here's an excerpt from one of my clients' sites, completely altered to
protect the innocent:"This past winter our friend died at the ripe old age of 104."
Okay, so when was this published? How long ago was the site created? We don't really know the answers to these questions, so we can't intuitively understand when "this past winter" occurred.
C'mon, how serious can this be?
In our example above, it hardly seems critical. I mean, how much does this really affect our business? However, let's say we operate a fly fishing association, and as part of our annual marketing and community-building activities we are holding a tournament. Now we might all assume that everyone knows that we should post a date with an event, but I tell you now I have seen well-meaning web masters forget such trivial details in their hurry to satisfy their many bosses for who they wear multiple headgear."Join us this winter for our semi-annual fly fishing tournament extraordinaire! The future of fly fishing and conservation in our region depends on your participation! Our tournament will be help on
Let's see, here... it's a semi-annual competition, I fished two years ago, do I get half price registration? When was their last tournament? Hmmm... semi-annual, does that mean every other year? I'm just not sure. If it's half price I'll sign up right now, but if not I'm outta here! I know, I'll call in and ask and have them process my registration manually.
Well, you get the idea. Our fancy website with built-in forms and payment processing just lost part of its value. Sure we'll get the business, but we'll also take on additional work to get it. Work that we wouldn't have had to do if we'd simply included specific dates in our material.
"... Registration is half price for those fishers who participated in our 2003 competition."
Oohh, you meant semi-semi-annual! I get it now.
Or how about this quote from the Hiawatha Seaway Council of the BSA about camp dates: "Mini Mountain Man Resident Camp, Camp Portaferry, July 6-9". If I am reading this page in November, are they referring to next summer, or can I assume that someone simply hasn't updated the page yet since the past summer? Oy.
Remember, the web is timeless. No matter when or how often we create our content, the user always gets it "now", exactly when they want it.