On that subject...
in publicmedia
One more reason why we don't need public broadcasting?
Just finished reading this very brief post on the... MORE
Do we REALLY need Public Broadcasting anymore?
I read a Facebook comment about cutting federal... MORE
Pardon me while I expound on weekend traffic for Public Media websites
I’ve been watching web traffic from my desk here... MORE
Thanks to Juan, Vivian, NPR and Fox
I can't even begin to say how relieved I am that... MORE
Bill's Big Hypothetical Public Media Web Space Question
"What if I started a new public media web... MORE
Building Successful Open Source Software OR maybe a community?
My good friend John Tynan from KJZZ in Arizona... MORE
What makes a web property valuable?
Through my work with a number of public... MORE
Don Meissner to Appear on WPBS-TV for Streamside Marathon
Just a quick note here about something that... MORE
Understanding the Plight of Internet Radio
After reading the Tuesday, March 6th edition of... MORE
Not Again! New Internet Radio Royalties
Sorry to those of you who did not sign up for... MORE
Dave Winer on Public Media folks
For me, one of the highlights about last week's... MORE
"What hath man wrought? And how will man use his miracles?"
"Billions of signals rush over the ocean floor... MORE
RSS & PBCore: Happily ever after
Still using the hell out of those colons in my... MORE
Public Media 2007: Better Living Through the Use of Colons in Your PowerPoint
Someone at the Public Media Conference who made... MORE
Public Media 2007, Pathetic Blogger
I really am a pathetic blogger. Not sure why, but... MORE
NewsForge reports on PubForge/Public Media Manager
Recently I was interviewed by Stephen Feller from... MORE
Yahoo! News reports NPR is no longer "commercial-free"
Everyone knows how much I love public... MORE
in Soapbox
POV's differ on Google's Oops, "warning visiting this web site may harm your computer!"
So I noticed that one of the hotter items being... MORE
The Haenel Website Doctrine
I recently had the opportunity to review the work... MORE
Please, reinvent the wheel.
"Don't reinvent the wheel." This is a phrase... MORE
This ain't Hollywood
I haven't said much (at least not publicly) about... MORE
Paid Content: On giving away razors in order to sell razor blades
When will they ever learn? I've been watching... MORE
Flash Splash
Recently, I've been requested by a prospective... MORE
Have you ever watched an inexperienced manager... MORE
"There is no spoon..."
Mass Media: An ethical and socially acceptable... MORE
Peggy & Friends
From OpinionJournal: "He's Got Two of 'Em" Oh... MORE
in Radio
Internet Radio In My Car
You heard it here first. Or maybe not. But this... MORE
Bias - the biggest reason why we don't need public broadcasting anymore
There's nothing like guaranteeing a negative result by testing against the impossible, eh? It's a great way to make sure that whatever you're testing and how you're testing it, you always get the outcome you're looking for. Talk about setting up for certain failure.
Once again this morning, I'm checking up on the landscape surrounding the debate over whether or not to eliminate federal funding for public broadcasting. The video I made earlier this week ("The Man takes away public radio") is taking hold a little wee bit. I hope it takes hold some more. It's been tweeted, and facebooked and there are at least a handful of sites out there that have re-posted it on their sites as well, which is nice to see.
One of the sites that has shared the video in their space enabled comments below the video. The first and only comment so far says, "If tax dollars are being used to support
public broadcast radio… then the news and information being broadcast
should be totally unbiased... which it is not!!!... Until public radio can be unbiased… maybe the answer is to have a PBR tax donation line item on our tax forms."
Good point. I agree (no). Trouble is, I'm not sure how you would measure this idea of "totally unbiased". Do we get a streaming bias meter? Do we count facts and opinions and register each point with a red or blue check mark? Maybe we should put a very smart dog in front of the radio and see if he barks when he hears certain people talk about certain ideas?
Of course, none of these methods are probably going to work very well. And honestly, the bigger problem is, where is the line? Isn't bias a relative thing, based on current popular opinion? What's biased today may seem unbiased tomorrow, and vice-versa.
Once upon a time, maybe public broadcasting wasn't considered to have such a lean in one direction or another. Frankly, I know people who think NPR is too conservative. Maybe the thing that's changed is other media and opinions. Let's face it, in terms of major media outlets, exactly which one of them is reporting in the true Morrow spirit, with a vigilant eye on the quality of their journalistic integrity? I count... zero.
This is not to say that public broadcasting shouldn't try to be more objective, or should give up on being the unbiased voice of the people. It's just that I don't know if it's possible to get a consensus on exactly what unbiased might sound like, or if it's even possible to do it at all.
And until then, I think it might be better to keep ol' public broadcasting around for a bit, work out some of its issues, and use it for the common good it was intended to benefit in the first place.
But throwing the baby out with the bathwater because it can't meet some unattainable goal - maybe not such a good way to solve any problems. We do in fact need a public information channel in our democracy, and this is the one we've got, whether you think it's biased or not.