On that subject...
in Soapbox
Bias - the biggest reason why we don't need public broadcasting anymore
There's nothing like guaranteeing a negative... MORE
One more reason why we don't need public broadcasting?
Just finished reading this very brief post on the... MORE
Do we REALLY need Public Broadcasting anymore?
I read a Facebook comment about cutting federal... MORE
Thanks to Juan, Vivian, NPR and Fox
I can't even begin to say how relieved I am that... MORE
POV's differ on Google's Oops, "warning visiting this web site may harm your computer!"
So I noticed that one of the hotter items being... MORE
The Haenel Website Doctrine
I recently had the opportunity to review the work... MORE
Please, reinvent the wheel.
"Don't reinvent the wheel." This is a phrase... MORE
Paid Content: On giving away razors in order to sell razor blades
When will they ever learn? I've been watching... MORE
Flash Splash
Recently, I've been requested by a prospective... MORE
Have you ever watched an inexperienced manager... MORE
"There is no spoon..."
Mass Media: An ethical and socially acceptable... MORE
Peggy & Friends
From OpinionJournal: "He's Got Two of 'Em" Oh... MORE
in Software
HOWTO: Make Google Chrome stop giving me a UAC warning (without editing the registry!)
I recently acquired an Asus T91MT convertible... MORE
Using IH2 for ZenCart on a Plesk Server with ImageMagick 6.0.7
So I don't have much time to write here, but this... MORE
Building Successful Open Source Software OR maybe a community?
My good friend John Tynan from KJZZ in Arizona... MORE
Slow Printing from Windows XP on a Linux Printer
This one has driven me nuts for several years,... MORE
Public Media 2007: Better Living Through the Use of Colons in Your PowerPoint
Someone at the Public Media Conference who made... MORE
MySpace experiments, and other stuff
I'm going to try something new here at... MORE
OpenSSL on Windows XP: A Follow-up to Better HOWTOs
I don't write a whole lot of HOWTO stuff on this... MORE
Microsoft Point of Sale
Here's one to watch. Microsoft Point of... MORE
Wireless Networking with Linux
If you've never tried it, you might want to wait... MORE
in Business
Don Meissner offically begins his reign as king of the "Fishing Capital of the World"
This press release and photo were just forwarded... MORE
Into Amish?
OK, I admit this post might just be a bit of a... MORE
I reviewed a product at Brookstone for 10 bucks
So I got this note from Brookstone after buying a... MORE
Web Master Tidbits: Marketing is Managing and Meeting Client Expectations
As my second installment of Web Master Tidbits, ... MORE
More on razor blades...
It seems some other folks (including the New York... MORE
Search Engine Tuning - No B.S.
I had the pleasure of reading the recent blog... MORE
This ain't Hollywood
I haven't said much (at least not publicly) about the RIAA and MPAA and SAG and etc and their insatiable appetite for residual income.
Let's think this over....residual income...residue...left-over scum on the surface of whatever you've just cleaned or dirtied...
Residue. Scum. Residual income. Scum-sucking.
Now that's out of the way, so let's talk about the RIAA, MPAA, SAG, ASCAP, BMI, etc again. I understand the need for a union to protect artists' interests. In the case of SAG, ASCAP and BMI, they certainly have a legitimate role in this regard. The RIAA, MPAA, well, maybe not so much. Protecting corporate greed?
You get my meaning, and I'm sure you've heard it all before. So I'll cut right to the chase scene, making sure that all of the folks who deserve to make money forever and ever on that chase scene are being paid fairly, of course.
Wired ran an article recently discussing the SAG and their beef with the game industry. It seems that as the games become more of a money-maker, the SAG wants to make sure that all of the agreements that were made regarding payment to actors for services rendered (voice-overs) are hereby nullified. Granted, that's not exactly what they've said, but in a sense that's what it comes down to.
I understand that the SAG is only looking to write new agreements for future work, based on the fact that there is more value in games now. What I don't understand is how they can't see that the gaming industry is a different world than the movie biz. the characters that are created aren't human, and they aren't products of one person's artistic talent. They are the obvious artwork of many people, coming together to build a software product that looks like a character and sounds like a character, but is really just a bunch of code and sounds and images that makes up a character.
Bottom line, if the actors deserve royalties for their input in creating this piece of media, shouldn't the other artists get some as well? It's all a matter of sharing profits, right? So now that we're discussing it, shouldn't I get a little extra something when the ice cream shop does well, since I am creating ice cream cones and handing them out ever so gracefully while standing on my tippy toes?
What I hope doesn't happen is for all of this to end in a big NO for everyone. NO royalties for the actors, because NO royalties for game artists. What would be truly excellent is, YES royalties for actors because YES royalties for programmers and designers and geeks all around.
I guess that's the point of the article. So you should probably stop wasting time here and just go read it.