On that subject...
in Video
One more reason why we don't need public broadcasting?
Just finished reading this very brief post on the... MORE
BIG BANG BIG BOOM: Months of Work and Hundreds of Gallons of Paint
Here's my new favorite animated art (it takes a... MORE
New Smallmouth Bass Fishing Video from Don Meissner
Hey, folks. We just finished our most recent... MORE
VIDEO: Fishing with Don Meissner 1.1, Early Season Largemouth...
OK, folks...the moment you've been waiting for is... MORE
Fishing with Don Meissner: New Video and New Website
UPDATE: You can view Don's first online video in... MORE
WOW! Fishing videos at billhaenel.com!
Like watching fishing on TV wasn't enough, now... MORE
in Fly Fishing
Lose Weight Fast on the Fisherman's Diet
BEFORE Fisherman's Diet AFTER Fisherman's... MORE
Product Review: The Watermark Hydro Vest Pack
So I got another invitation a la Power Reviews... MORE
Fly Fishing in New York State
I have recently purchased and used the book,... MORE
in publicmedia
Bias - the biggest reason why we don't need public broadcasting anymore
There's nothing like guaranteeing a negative... MORE
Do we REALLY need Public Broadcasting anymore?
I read a Facebook comment about cutting federal... MORE
Pardon me while I expound on weekend traffic for Public Media websites
I’ve been watching web traffic from my desk here... MORE
Thanks to Juan, Vivian, NPR and Fox
I can't even begin to say how relieved I am that... MORE
Bill's Big Hypothetical Public Media Web Space Question
"What if I started a new public media web... MORE
Building Successful Open Source Software OR maybe a community?
My good friend John Tynan from KJZZ in Arizona... MORE
What makes a web property valuable?
Through my work with a number of public... MORE
Understanding the Plight of Internet Radio
After reading the Tuesday, March 6th edition of... MORE
Not Again! New Internet Radio Royalties
Sorry to those of you who did not sign up for... MORE
Dave Winer on Public Media folks
For me, one of the highlights about last week's... MORE
"What hath man wrought? And how will man use his miracles?"
"Billions of signals rush over the ocean floor... MORE
RSS & PBCore: Happily ever after
Still using the hell out of those colons in my... MORE
Public Media 2007: Better Living Through the Use of Colons in Your PowerPoint
Someone at the Public Media Conference who made... MORE
Public Media 2007, Pathetic Blogger
I really am a pathetic blogger. Not sure why, but... MORE
NewsForge reports on PubForge/Public Media Manager
Recently I was interviewed by Stephen Feller from... MORE
Yahoo! News reports NPR is no longer "commercial-free"
Everyone knows how much I love public... MORE
in Outdoor
Don Meissner offically begins his reign as king of the "Fishing Capital of the World"
This press release and photo were just forwarded... MORE
Beaver Country
Within the past couple of days, after a long... MORE
Fishing for Northern Pike with friends Jim Ingram and Don Meissner
Who knew one of my favorite places to swim as a... MORE
Beware Yellow Jacket Season
Last weekend my family and I travelled into the... MORE
in Fishing
The big, scary Obama Fishing Ban
I have only one thing to say to the blizzard of... MORE
Don Meissner to Appear on WPBS-TV for Streamside Marathon
Just a quick note here about something that everyone who loves fishing, Don Meissner, and watching Don Meissner fishing, should see.
Tonight on WPBS-TV (Watertown, NY), Don will appear for the first time in (what I believe is about) 2 years on live TV. As part of their fundraiser, WPBS will air a two-hour Rod & Reel Streamside marathon, featuring Don during the breaks.
If you can swing the time, or even if you can simply DVR it, you'll definitely want to catch this run. EVen for those who aren't into fishing, Don is truly a pleasure to watch. I don't think I've known too many folks who rival Don in terms of sincerity and desire to help others, and these qualities always come through in his programs.
You can view the program guide detailing the show's airtime and content specifics at the WPBS-branded PBS.org program grid site. Or visit the WPBS site directly and check out their Home Page.
Also on the schedule at WPBS during their 50th anniversary "Turn On the Future" membership drive will be another one of my personal favorites, "Lumberjack Sky Pilot." If you haven't seen this show, it's truly entertaining.
And if you can't tune in (you don't live near Watertown, NY? Wow, I thought everyone did...), You can order videos of both programs at the WPBS-TV online store.
Lastly, please visit Don Meissner's new website at http://fishingwithdonmeissner.com. Don will be posting video and audio and blogging there about his various trips and conversations with fishersmen and sportsmen. I have high hopes that "Fishing with Don Meissner" will become one of the more important sites in fishing that we have available today, simply because Don is such a fantastic person.