Bill Haenel

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in Video

Just finished reading this very brief post on the... MORE

Here's my new favorite animated art (it takes a... MORE

Hey, folks. We just finished our most recent... MORE

Just a quick note here about something that... MORE

OK, folks...the moment you've been waiting for is... MORE

UPDATE: You can view Don's first online video in... MORE

in Fly Fishing

BEFORE Fisherman's Diet AFTER Fisherman's... MORE

So I got another invitation a la Power Reviews... MORE

I have recently purchased and used the book,... MORE

in Outdoor

This press release and photo were just forwarded... MORE

Within the past couple of days, after a long... MORE

Who knew one of my favorite places to swim as a... MORE

Last weekend my family and I travelled into the... MORE

in Fishing

I have only one thing to say to the blizzard of... MORE

Posted by Bill Haenel on 19-Apr-08

Like watching fishing on TV wasn't enough, now you can watch fly fishing video from YouTube here at

If you like to stand in the river or sit in the boat and wait for luck to toss you a wriggling water-dweller, you may enjoy watching other people do it in these fly fishing videos, too. Well, maybe you won't, but I sure do. If watching sports on TV is the lazy man's exercise, watching fishing (a pseudo-sport, right?) on TV must be what? The lazy man's lethargy?

I hope we'll all find that these new videos are a good compliment to the already growing number of fishing resources on this site, including the Bill's Big Fly Shop and the Fishing Links and Fly Fishing Links. I envision a massive fishing emporium here one day. Or something.

Anyway, as I was doing some, uh, research with Google's AdSense service, I noted that I could put videos on my site from YouTube. Not only that, but I can make some dough while I'm at it. You see, every time you watch a video here at and you click on one of the ads that are displayed along with that video, I get paid, man. That's right, watch video, put money in ol' Bill's pocket, and now we are friends.

Needless to say I'll be adding more video to the site. I'll try and find some good web developer-related video. Maybe we can watch PHP coders write if...else statements or watch HTML coders validate their XHTML tags or something. Wouldn't that be so cool.

In the mean time, please enjoy the fly-fishing-focused videos that YouTube and Google AdSense have so cleverly picked for us, including fly tying how-to's, fly casting tutorials, and more good stuff for you and me.

Now that these videos are here, I may actually spend some time visiting my own site for some other reason than writing nonsense for you to read.

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