On that subject...
in Fishing
Don Meissner offically begins his reign as king of the "Fishing Capital of the World"
This press release and photo were just forwarded... MORE
The big, scary Obama Fishing Ban
I have only one thing to say to the blizzard of... MORE
Beaver Country
Within the past couple of days, after a long... MORE
New Smallmouth Bass Fishing Video from Don Meissner
Hey, folks. We just finished our most recent... MORE
Lose Weight Fast on the Fisherman's Diet
BEFORE Fisherman's Diet AFTER Fisherman's... MORE
Don Meissner to Appear on WPBS-TV for Streamside Marathon
Just a quick note here about something that... MORE
VIDEO: Fishing with Don Meissner 1.1, Early Season Largemouth...
OK, folks...the moment you've been waiting for is... MORE
Fishing with Don Meissner: New Video and New Website
UPDATE: You can view Don's first online video in... MORE
Fishing for Northern Pike with friends Jim Ingram and Don Meissner
Who knew one of my favorite places to swim as a... MORE
WOW! Fishing videos at billhaenel.com!
Like watching fishing on TV wasn't enough, now... MORE
in Outdoor
Beware Yellow Jacket Season
Last weekend my family and I travelled into the... MORE
Fly Fishing in New York State
I have recently purchased and used the book,... MORE
in Gadgets
Initial DVD DMA-710 says "no disc"
A couple of years ago we bought three, yes three,... MORE
Register suggests that the Palm's Foleo might be making a comeback
So the Register says that they think Palm might... MORE
I reviewed a product at Brookstone for 10 bucks
So I got this note from Brookstone after buying a... MORE
Eliza the Therapist - a tale of Mac SE resurrection - PART II
Well, I did it.Not that it was a great... MORE
Eliza the Therapist - a tale of Mac SE resurrection
(NOTE/UPDATE: I have taken a break from getting... MORE
The greatest online marketing pitch ever!
This is my new favorite.It's the Washlet, and... MORE
Waiting for Foleo
I confess, I am awaiting the release of Palm's... MORE
in Fly Fishing
Product Review: The Watermark Hydro Vest Pack
So I got another invitation a la Power Reviews for a product I purchased. I get the idea that if I keep buying stuff, I'll keep getting invitations to review. Hey, ain't nothin' but blog-fuel, eh?
Anyway, you'll notice I said it needed dual zippers...what I meant to say was that the zippers on the backpack pockets are single, only going one way. Not sure what you call the other kind, so I called them dual zippers. Most of my other outdoor gear with pockets (especially backpacks) have dual zippers that open either way, so if you have one hand free and not the other you can still conveniently open the pocket. No big yank, but I had to have some reason to give it only four stars, right?
Originally submitted at Sierra Trading Post

Closeouts . Watermark's double deluxe vest pack for your mid-stream necessities is capable of hiking miles with all the necessary gear. Padded shoulder straps drop down to a mesh-suspended backpack with three zipped pouches and hydration-ready inner pocket. In front are two pouches that clip over y...
Great Chest Pack for a Day on the Water
out of 5
Pros: Lots of Storage, Waterproof Pockets, Breathable, Lightweight, Durable
Cons: No Dual Zippers
Best Uses: Fly Fishing, Freshwater Fishing
Sizing: Feels true to size
Describe Yourself: Avid Fisher
I've been looking for a chest pack that would replace my vest because although the typical vest is very practical, it tends to be somewhat bulky and disorganized. I like to go out for a day without worrying about returning to my car for anything. I needed somewhere I could put my lunch, water, and other "emergency" gear (like a camera, for example!), and ideally carry it on my body without using my hands.
The Watermark Hydro Vest Pack really did the job well. Plenty of storage space for the day, and the compartments on the front enable me to stay very organized on the water. The zingers are great! Four altogether, and very sturdy. I would expect to pay twenty dollars each if I had to by them separately.
Lots of pockets, lots of D-rings, including one for my net, and very nice fly storage on fold-down platforms for tying on without leaving the water.
My first time out using it I got caught in quite a downpour. I was soaked head-to-toe. I assumed that everything inside the pack would be wet. But my phone and my camera inside the backpack both stayed totally dry.
Very nice, practical, durable pack. I highly recommend it.
Anonymous said:
I would buy a caulking gun for under $ 5 and a tube of ptpuimurlose caulk for around $ 2.50. You can use it inside and outside and seal up any cracks. You can paint it for cosmetic purposes if needed and I would seal up however they are getting in. This will also help weatherproof your house. Ive had vents that must remain open that were a source of roaches. I bought window screening material from home depot, cut to size, and then caulked into vent opening. (posted 2:02am, 13Apr12)