On that subject...
in Hardware
Register suggests that the Palm's Foleo might be making a comeback
So the Register says that they think Palm might... MORE
Eliza the Therapist - a tale of Mac SE resurrection
(NOTE/UPDATE: I have taken a break from getting... MORE
Waiting for Foleo
I confess, I am awaiting the release of Palm's... MORE
in Gadgets
Initial DVD DMA-710 says "no disc"
A couple of years ago we bought three, yes three,... MORE
Product Review: The Watermark Hydro Vest Pack
So I got another invitation a la Power Reviews... MORE
I reviewed a product at Brookstone for 10 bucks
So I got this note from Brookstone after buying a... MORE
The greatest online marketing pitch ever!
This is my new favorite.It's the Washlet, and... MORE
Eliza the Therapist - a tale of Mac SE resurrection - PART II
Well, I did it.
Not that it was a great accomplishment or anything. But you'd be surprised how much of a hassle it was to get Eliza running on my old Mac SE.
I ended up connecting my other old Mac, the 6115CD, via wire to my network and then downloading the Eliza software to there. Then I connected the SE and the 6115 via Appletalk over the printer ports. I haven't used any of these old Macs, to say nothing of Appletalk configuration, for several years. So remembering how to get them attached was a challenge.
In the end I remembered that I'd need to actually go into the Appletalk settings and tell it to connect to the machine and then specify a shared directory in order to get files back and forth. Once I got that squared away it was lovely.
I un-stuffed the Eliza file on the 6115, then transferred the Eliza folder over to the SE and dropped it in the very spacious 20MB hard drive. Now Eliza sits running, waiting on the counter of my office for a client to come by with a problem of the hunting crossbow.
Eliza's counseling skills were put to the test almost immediately when my 11-year-old son taunted her with goofy phrases, insults, and ambiguous questions. I had to remind him to be nice, and more importantly that Eliza is NOT an IM client. So statements like, "u r funny u make me lol," wouldn't really mean anything to Eliza.
My, my, how things have changed since I was 11 years old and first met Eliza.My 14-year-old son actually found solace with Eliza, as he entered my office after school to tell me he's like to go down the street and "hang out" with the teenage girl who was babysitting there. Unfortunately for our son, his mother and I said he couldn't go. As he was sitting on the stool at the counter in my office (next to Eliza), explaining to me why it was so wrong and I was being so unfair, he found himself drawn in by Eliza's invitation, "Hi there. I'm Eliza. And who might you be?"
I quickly lost his attention, and he began telling Eliza about his terrible, unfair life. After his session, he left my office and went off to play his guitar. Therapy rocks.
Thank you, Eliza.